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The MV-25 Vacuum Tumbler offers the standard features of a Vacuum Tumbler and much more. With a fully stainless body, these models are easy to use, clean, and disassemble. Its 25 kg capacity allows for the durable machine to be efficient in both time and mass output. With its small size, this Tumbler is suitable for all restaurant types.
Brand: Powerline
Made In USA
● Marinates all sorts of assorted meat: beef, chicken, seafood
● Stainless steel construction
● Insures uniform flavor with ideal tenderness
● Digital alarm clock
● Easy to use, clean and disassemble
● Removable mixing paddles/gutters
● Valve easy to operated, removes lid and vacuum
● Indicator allows user to track suction/pressure
● Increases performance/marinade up to 25%
● Marinates in less than 20 minutes!